
Diabetes and obesity: obesity surgery helps us direct Diabetes

In Mexico, according to the Ministry of Health, 11% of the population between 20 and 69 years have diabetes, ranking as the chronic degenerative disease with the highest burden of mortality and disability among those who suffer as the most common disease in Mexicans. This disease is treated only medically with successful results properly and at great cost to the country in every way, no known alternative forms of successful treatment or cure. The medical research projects are very expensive and, not knowing the benefits of obesity surgery in relation to diabetes, there who invest in them. Nor is there any doctor or medical group to guide such research in Mexico since, by the novelty of the subject, no knowledge on the effects of obesity surgery on type 2 diabetes mellitus.

It is known that obesity is one of the most important triggers of diabetes. What is known is that some types of obesity surgery, whether the patient lose weight or not surprisingly decreases diabetes partially or fully. Although in various parts of the world have initiated studies that suggest a possible link between obesity surgeries and reduction or even disappearance of type 2 diabetes, has not undertaken any serious investigation in Mexico in this regard. The 2000 National Health Survey, conducted by the National Institute of Public Health and published in 2003 found 3.65 million diabetics in Mexico and it is expected that by 2025 the amount was raised to 11.7 million people who would benefit by being the doctors better informed about diabetes and its possible reduction or even disappearance.

Millions of diabetic patients, 80% are overweight or obese due to overfeeding in animal fats and carbohydrates, says a press release issued by IMSS in 2004.

Surgery to treat obesity, improve diabetes by decreasing the weight of the patient, gastric banding and gastric bypass

Surgeries that regardless of the weight loss improve or cure diabetes: sleeve gastrectomy and omentectomy.

Hypothesis: 80% of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus managed to transmit the disease with combined surgery and gastric sleeve has omentectomy. Patients who maintain some degree of diabetes (20%) do so by factors of weight, age and time of initial diagnosis before surgery. Yet diabetes in these patients improved substantially. Diabetes decreases the quality of life of common treatments for patients in monitoring and lack of curative treatment. Surgical procedures mentioned are effective in reducing diabetes in obese and nonobese patients.