
Red Wine – Your Health Drink

Submitted By: Steve Manik

There can be nothing like red wine combined with your favorite food. You would enjoy your meal and the mesmerizing taste of red wine. Now, what if we say that this combination can also save you from many common diseases and work towards keeping you healthy and good spirits? You would be surprised. You must not have thought in your wildest dreams that an alcoholic drink can enhance your health.

However, this is true. Red wine has a lot of positive effects on your health if you consume it in moderation. This is the reason that the consumption of red wine has seen a tremendous rise in the United States. The numbers are still growing.

Let us take a detailed note of the health benefits associated to the consumption of red wine.

a)Healthy aging:

Red wine contains anti-aging property. This helps in keeping the arteries healthy and in turn supports in boosting the immune system. Since, red wine is vital for cardiovascular health, natural growth of cells inside the body is promoted. This further aids in healthy aging.

b)Treatment of neurological diseases:

Red wine contains reveratrol, an antioxidant. This property helps in the formation of nerve cells inside the body, thereby treating major neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.

c)Cholesterol level:

If you want to maintain a healthy cholesterol level inside your body, you can trust on red wine. It contains
antioxidants known as Flavonoids. Flavonoids reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL) inside the body. Lipoprotein is also referred to as the bad cholesterol. The antioxidant is a rich source for increasing the good cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (HDL). When LDL is reduces and HDL is increased, blood clot formation inside the body is prevented and lipid profile is increased inside the body.

d)Heart disease:

Catechin is an antioxidant present in red wine. It reduces the risk of heart disease. Reservatrol, another antioxidant provides adequate protection to the heart.

e)Cancerous tumors:

Resveratrol present in red wine is vital for prevention of the growth of cancerous tumors inside the body.

There are several other health benefits of drinking red wine such as increase in the body’s energy levels, prevention of oxidative damage, good cardiovascular health, slow aging and much more.

These claims by famous scientists and researchers across the globe have made people drink more of red wine. There has been a tremendous increase in the number of people drinking red wine and number of red wine glasses consumed on a per day basis. However, this is not at all, a solution to one’s health problems. Over consumption of red wine can cause problems. Moderation is the key to good health. You must concentrate on drinking just one to two glasses on a daily basis to enjoy from the health benefits provided by red wine.

Also remember that overindulgence in red wine after abstaining for over a week is unhealthy. This will not provide you any of the health benefits mentioned above.

Drink red wine in moderation. It is healthy. Combine it with your meals to stay away from over indulgence.